lauantai 6. elokuuta 2011

Couple of shots, now the arb and new brake hoses are installed:

Axle is now installed to car. Rusty axle bush spacers (6pcs) were replaced by laser cut stainless steel items, luckily I asked 'benkku' to make double amount of them when I needed them for the S2 repair a year ago. Thank you ones more, 'benkku' (if you read this shit)! I know I owe you "pullakahvit" (=coffee & bun) aswell for the brake shoes...

This kind of holder piece was quite annoying looking:

I put it to electrolysis bath to get rid of rust. I even tried to sinc it (with electrity) but not very good results so I ended spraying sinc paint to it. And Hammerite on top. I would be glad if someone could enlight me with DIY sinc process. Is it even possible without fancy chemicals?

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