Axle assembled to car! I did it by myself, only once dropped the axle from the jack... Scared but not injured. Made a kind of loop to the jack from a strip of tin plate to prevent dropping again, after that assembly was a childs play.
Connecting the front pipes to the pressure regulator was not nice job. Little room to bend the pipes, underbody full of fresh wax, hands and tools in wax... New bumpstop rubbers installed while there. Brakes bleeded. Who idiot selected the rear bleed nipple? Why it had to be 6mm, whats wrong with size 11mm as in front?
While connecting the hand brake cables, it was clear that the cables needed to be changed. The lefthand side was completely stuck. Right side was better but no point leaving that unchanged, cables were only 10e a piece. Cable end is located under front muffler heat shield. While removing heat shield, some of the retaining bolts snapped. Fixed those with rivet nuts. While under the car, added some cavity wax to the whole underbody with brush.
Catalytic converter and exhaust assembled to car. At some point the fixing bolt of the downpipe has fell off, put a new 10mm bolt there (30mm lenght). Car ready for MOT.
Car passed MOT! Front light adjustment motor didn't work, otherwise not complains.
Carefully locate the essential lugs and bolts in the vicinity of the oil-pan.
VastaaPoistareparo de para-brisas