keskiviikko 18. elokuuta 2010


The reason for car being for sale became clear soon. It liked to drink oil. It was something like a litre/1000km or even more. I figured out that the problem could be caused by the hardened valve stem seals. I asked a quote from the pug dealer for the repair. They asked 1000e and insisted that it's a head out job. I decided to change them myself. I wrote a small Valve-Stem Seal HOWTO of the job.

Lower balljoints failed MOT. In a hurry, I purchased aftermarket wishbones and installed them in car park. It was winter time and the temperature was well below zero. Not most pleasant job. Special thanks to my friend Kimi who helped me in this operation.

Inlet seals replaced by new ones. Inlet leak sorted. That job was also carried out in car park, just before christmas.

The original rotten copper radiator replaced with new aluminum Valeo one. Aluminum rad weighs 1.85kg, exactly half as much as the old one. Big thanks to peugeot wizard "benkku" who helped in this operation, it was carried out in his garage (I didn't have my own yet).

Front brakes needed attention. This is how they looked after cleaning and painting. Old brake hoses changed  to  steel braided Goodridge ones. Rust removal was carried out with wire brush, vinegar, etc... Not very sophisticated nor wise, if I think about it in retrospective.

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